
mathurah's waterloo journey

SYDE 211: Advanced Engineering Math 1

The first part of this course we learned about more applications of multivariable calculus, integration, and vector calculus. The second half of the course focused more on systems of differential equations. Overall, there was a bit of a disconnect between the first half and the second half of the course as nothing really carried over. It was interesting to see how concepts in some of our physics courses (SYDE 283) directly connected to what we were learning in SYDE 211, so it was a step forward in seeing how the math we learn can be more applicable to different parts of our degree.

With this being the third calculus course we've taken at this point, I've gotten a bit more used to how math courses work in university and it stopped being something to be scared of. This course is where I missed in person learning the most, since we mainly had to learn by reading the online course notes, and I learn better from hearing someone teach it. Professor Leonard's Calculus 3 course videos on youtube were so helpful in understanding the first half of the course.

The online course notes ended up being very long and it was hard to find key concepts to remember. I found having written notes really helped a lot (one of my older SYDE mentors told me this, even though she mainly had digital notes, at the end of each week she would write down all the key concepts/summaries of all her courses in a notebook) in helping me actually remember things better as seen in the photo below!

Math notes