
mathurah's waterloo journey

Time Complexity(array)

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Algorithm Analysis

  • Measure computer program performance: Ideally, need to run real codes on target software and hardware platforms (Actual performance)
  • In practice, need convinient and general estimation of actual performance (can be done with pseudocode before any software and hardware implementation) Theoretical

Solution: Algorithmic Analysis with big O notation.

Time Complexity (Algorithmic Analysis)

  • Focus on only the major things affecting performance rather than the minor things
  1. Worst case, rather than the best case
  2. When n approaching infinite, rather than the small n
  3. Difference between orders of complexity, rather than the difference within the same order

Example; Sequential Search (find the index in an arrray where the 1st value K is sotred)

  • N: number of items/iterations
  • size of the input (n) is the size of an array (n = size )
  • best case, A[0] = K.
  • average case, consider all different A[] with different k
  • worst case, last item is K (or no K in array)
int SequentialSearch(int A[], int size, int K) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++>) { if (A[i] == K) return i; } return -1; }

N aproaching infinite

  • In the Sequential Search example, time to compelte the search also depends on the input size N
  • Assume the numebr of steps to completion as f(n)
    • n is the size of the input

If we compare two algorithms, f1(n) = 1000, f2(n) = n

f2(n) and f5(n) = 0.5*n - minor differences, can ignore minor differences between each group

Orders of Complexity

  • Group of "orders" or "familes"
  • When k is a constant
    • 1, 1000, any k*1
    • 0.5*n, n, any k*n
    • 0.005* n2. any k*n2

Common Orders of Compelxity

Time Complexity Type
O(1) Constant time
O(log2(n)) Logarithmic time
O(n) Linear time
O(n * log2(n)) Linearithmic Time
O(n^2) Quadratic time
O(n^3) Cubic time
O(2^n) Exponential time
O(n!) Factorial time

Big-O Notation Properties

  • Constant multipliers can be ignored


n^2 = O(n^2) 2*n^2 = O(n^2) 99999999*n^2 = O(n^2)
  • Exponential functions with different base values belong to different orders
    • Ex. O(2^n) and O(3^n)are not the same orders. O(3^n) > O(2^n)
  • Polynomial functions is O(n^k), k is the largest power value
  • The highest order component dominates Big ).
n! + 5*3^n 500 * 2^n n^3 + 12n^2 + 99 = O(n!)

Big-O Notation Defined

  • Formal math notation
  • A function f(n) is classified as O(g(n)) if there exists two positive constants K and n - such that
    • |f(n)| < K|g(n) | for all n > n0
  • Since algorithm steps cannot be negative, we often deal with f(n) < K*g(n), for all n > n0
  • f(n) is O(g(n)) is sometimes written as f(n) = O(g(n))
  • Informally, this means "f us not much bigger than g"
    • f may be smaller than g
    • f may be similar to g
  • Don't care about small n. Let's talk big (n approaching infinite)
  • As long as g is NOT too much bigger than f (finite constant K times bigger is OK), f belongs to the same group as g.

Practice of Algorithmic Analysis

  • Usually, when we write f(n) = O(g(n)), we mean f(n) has the same order of complexity as g(n) has
    • Although mathematically, this only means g(n) could have an order higher than f(n). OR they have the same order
  • Answer with the lowest possible answer

We want a tigheter upper bound


When code is simple, finite steps, they are all big O(n)

In general, no recursion, no loop

  • Ex. Sequentially implement list acces [i] item

  • When pointer to the node is given: O(1)

  • Doubly-linked list deleted a node when a pointer to the node is given

    1. Bi-direction link the previous one and the next one
    2. Delete the current one
    3. Fixed steps, do not change with the size of the list
  • Doubly linked list: insert a node when a pointer to the place is given

    1. Create new node, temp holding address
    2. Bi-direction link it between previous one and the current one

Example 1

void LinkedList::insertFront(Node *newNode) { if (newNode ==NULL) { //check input cout << "Warning! insert Front has newNode == NULL" << endl; return; } if(head == NULL) {//special case: list is empty head = newNode; } else { //general case: list is not empty newNode-> next = head; head = newNode; } } //constant steps


  • One loop, repeated A*Ntimes


  • Sequential list search for a given value
  • Linked list search for a given value

How many steps? (an + b) steps (worst case)

  • b: outside loop, constant steps

Example 2

Node *ListSearch(Data Item value, Node *head) { Node* tempNode = headl while(tempNode ! = NULL) { if (tempNode -> data == value) { return tempNode; } tempNode = tempNode -> next; } return NULL; }

Example 3

for (int i = 1; i <=n; i+ =10) { //some O(1) steps here within the loop } // some O(1) steps
  • Loop for about n/10 times

Nested Loops

  • If each loop is repeated a*n times, a is some constant
  • And there are k levels of nested loops, then it is:


Example 4

for (int i = 1; i <= i; i+=1) { for (int j = 1; j <=n; j+=2) { //some O(1) steps } //some O(1) steps }
  • 1st loop, repeated (n) times
  • In each 1st loop repetition, 2nd loop (nested) has: (an + b) steps

Total: (an + b)*n + c = an^2 (fix this after looking at sliedes)

Example 5

for (int i = 1; i <= i; i+=1) { for (int j = 1; j <=n; j+=2) { for } //some O(1) steps }

O(Log N)

  • Are all the same order of complexity, difference is just a constant

Example 6

for (int i = 1; i<n; i*=2) { //some O(1) steps }

= (a log2n + b) steps: worst case O(log2n)

What if it is i*=3?


If each time of repetition has different steps

  • Count the steps and add them togetehr
  • Ex. a loop, repeat n times, in the ith reptition, it requires i steps

Total steps = 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n = >

  • Analyze code/pseudocode to determine

When no recursion

  • For each part of code with loops, find out the the total number of steps within the loop. All constants can be represented as: a, b, c
  • Get the total steps of this code, highest order of the equation


  1. Some nested loop, resulting in O(n3)
  2. Some function call, resulting in (On)
  3. Some O(1)
  4. Some O(log n)

Highest one is O(n3)

Example 7

int factorialRecusrive (int n) { if (n<0) { cout << "warning!" <<endl ; return 0; } else if (n == 0) return 1; else { return (n*factorialRecursive(n-1)); } }
  • T(n) represents the total steps needed for input
  • T(n) = T(n -1) + a: recurrence relation
  • T(0) = b: ending case

T(n) = T(n-1) = a

= (T(n-2) + a) + a

= ((T(n-3)+ a)+ a) + a

... = T(n-k) + k*a

When k = n, we reach the ending case T(n) = T(O) + n*a = b + a*n, that is O(n)

Factorial Recursive - O(N)

int factorialNonRecursive(int n) { //non recursive version, need to use a loop if (n < 0) { cout <<"Warning! Factorial can only take non-negative input!" << endl; return 0; } if (n == 0) return 1; int result = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= n; ) { result = result *i; } return result; }

Example 8 - Fibonacci Recursive

int fibonnaciRecursive (int n) { if (n < 0) { cout << "Warning! Input <0." <<endl; return 0; } else if (n == 0) return 0; else if (n ==1) return 1; else return fibonnaciRecursive(n-1) + fibbonacciRecursive(n-2); }
  • T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2) + a : Reccurence relation

Main rules - How time scales with respect to different variables

  1. Different steps get added
  2. Drop constants. Just want to know how it scales (linearly, quadratically, etc.)
  3. Different inputs = different variables
    • O(N2) -> O(a * b)
  4. Drop non dominant terms

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