#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//return variable 'a' plus 1
int testFunc1 (int a){ //here, memory is statically allocated to 'a'
//'a' is a variable within the scope of testFunc1
cout << endl << "Inside function, address of 'a': " << &a << endl;
return a;
//after the end of this scope, local variables are automatically removed.
//their memory space is automatically released back to the pool (free for other usage)
int main() { //main function also has its scope
int x = 1, y = 10; //here, memory is statically allocated to x and y.
cout << "Before function call: Value of x: "<< x << ". Address of x: " << &x << endl;
cout << "Before function call: Value of y: "<< y << ". Address of y: " << &y << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Function call with input (x): " << testFunc1 (x) << endl;
cout << "Function call with input (y): " << testFunc1 (y) << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "After function call: Value of x: "<< x << ". Address of x: " << &x << endl;
cout << "After function call: Value of y: "<< y << ". Address of y: " << &y << endl;
return 0;
} //after the end of this scope, all variables are automatically removed.
Before function call: Value of x: 1. Address of x: 0x7ffeedb8ea38
Before function call: Value of y: 10. Address of y: 0x7ffeedb8ea34
Function call with input (x):
Inside function, address of 'a': 0x7ffeedb8e9cc
Function call with input (y):
Inside function, address of 'a': 0x7ffeedb8e9cc
After function call: Value of x: 1. Address of x: 0x7ffeedb8ea38
After function call: Value of y: 10. Address of y: 0x7ffeedb8ea34
is a local variable within the scope of testFunc1a
when calling testFunc1(x)
is automatically released back to the pool after the function call, so the same memory (with the same address) can be used again, and allocated to a
again, when calling testFunc1(y)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//increase the first int by 1, the second int by 2
void testFun2(int *p1, int *p2){ // p1 and p2 are local variables
cout << "p1 is pointing to an int at address: " << p1 << endl;
cout << "p2 is pointing to an int at address: " << p2 << endl;
(*p1)++; //note, since ++ has a higher priority than * operator, the ( ) is needed.
*p2 = *p2 + 2;
} //p1 and p2 lifetime ends. memory space allocated to p1 and p2 is released.
int main() {
int a = 1, b = 10;
cout << "Before function call: Value of a: "<< a << ". Address of a: " << &a << endl;
cout << "Before function call: Value of b: "<< b << ". Address of b: " << &b << endl;
cout << endl;
testFun2(&a, &b); //one function modified two variable values, without using any return value.
cout << endl;
cout << "After function call: Value of a: "<< a << ". Address of a: " << &a << endl;
cout << "After function call: Value of b: "<< b << ". Address of b: " << &b << endl;
return 0;
Before function call: Value of a: 1. Address of a: 0xffffcc1c
Before function call: Value of b: 10. Address of b: 0xffffcc18
p1 is pointing to an int at address: 0xffffcc1c
p2 is pointing to an int at address: 0xffffcc18
After function call: Value of a: 2. Address of a: 0xffffcc1c
After function call: Value of b: 12. Address of b: 0xffffcc18
Things to note