Focus on:
Random Access ith item: O(1)
Search for target data value: O(n)
Insertion given index i: O(n)
Deletion given index i: O(n)
Random Access ith item: O(n)
Search for target data value: O(n)
Insertion given index i: O(n)
Deletion given index i: O(n)
Insertion given pointer to the target place's node: O(1)
Deletion given pointer to the target node: O(1)
Random Access ith item: O(n)
Search for target data value: O(n)
Insertion given index i: O(n)
Deletion given index i: O(n)
Insertion given pointer to the target place's node: O(1)
Deletion given pointer to the target node: O(1)
Push: O(1)
Pop: O(1)
Peek O(1)
Push within capacity: O(1)
Push when need to increase capacity: O(n)
Pop within capacity: O(1)
Pop when need to decrease capacity: O(n)
Peek O(1)
Enqueue within capacity: O(1)
Enqueue when need to increase capacity capacity: O(n)
Dequeue within capacity: O(1)
Dequeue when need to decrease capacity: O(n)
Peek: O(1)
Access: O(n)
Search: O(n)
Insert: O(n)
Delete: O(n)
Unbalanced tree: A tree of size n can grow in a straight line in the worst case scenario, where time complexity is O(n) as height = n-1
Access: O(log(n))
Search: O(log(n))
Insert: O(log(n))
Delete: O(log(n))
Defn: Auxillary space is the extra space or temporary space used by an algorithm.
O(n) for most, O(1) for bubble, selection ahd heap sort algorithms, and O(log(n) for quick sort algorithms.
Bubble Sort: O(n^2)
Selection Sort: O(n^2)
Heap Sort: O(n(log(n)))
Merge Sort: O(n(log(n)))
Quick Sort: O(n^2)
Search: O(n)
Insertion: O(n)
Deletion: O(n)